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Sander Cohen

Butler of Hellsing

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Donnerstag, 21. November 2013, 19:21

Resident Evil 4: Biohaz Hunk-Mod [by Cerberus]

Name: Biohaz Hunk Mod
Datum: 21.11.2013
Ersteller: Cerberus
Größe: 5,4 MB

(Link für registrierte Benutzer sichtbar) (Link für registrierte Benutzer sichtbar)

-------------------------------- biohaz hunk ------------------------------------

In this mod you will find a replacement skin or leons special2 costume.


installation: just replace the files from existing folders of the gun you want to change

with the ones in this mod

known issues: - using weapons with a zoom view: you will see everthing in this view like you w

ould lie down on the ground

- make sure the iles from this mod are the only ones in your

pl19-folder(xfile\em\pl19\), otherwise there could be some clipping problems

- you will see a kind of weird picture of leon in the communicator screen

(still haven't igured out which to modiy to ix that)

credits and the work I used: St.Vampyre(every tool he posted)

special thanks to the credits!


Danke an dieser Stelle an Cerberus, der uns diesen Mod zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Weitere Infos über die Mod Community von Cerberus findet man (Link für registrierte Benutzer sichtbar) .

(Link für registrierte Benutzer sichtbar)

In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead
shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen.